Emilia Daisy Tree Walk

“Friends of Emelia Daisy Tree Mwaluganje Kenya initiative”

Kinango sub county is a semi arid land. Most of its schools have no vegetation or tree cover in their compounds.

From the year 1997 Ng’onzini primary school in Kinango sub county worked in partnership with Bamburi green schools project. Right now the whole school is covered with different drought resistant trees.

Ng’onzini school has a Nature Trail project. Within the project there is one unique tree called Emelia Daisy Tree. UK friends of this tree raised Kshs.100,000 which was brought to Ng’onzini school in 2002 through Bornfree Foundation.

The school community now want to make Ng’onzini school a model school for schools afforestation programme within Kinango sub county.


Contact Salim S. Mwamasumbi, Teacher at Ng’onzini school to find out more